We have been in India for 4 days but it already feels more
like two weeks. Already God has taught me so much. Sometimes there are things
in life that you just have to do, like eat with your hand, ride in a rickshaw,
and worship with people who speak another language.
It is custom in India to put the honored guests at the front
of the church so that they are looking out at the crowd and everyone can see
them. It is the honored seat. The first service we attended, this is where we
sat. The women sit on the floor of the church and the men sit at the back. When
looking out to the crowd sometimes it is hard to tell if they are happy with
you being there.
I decided that I would make it a point to smile at the next
woman I saw looking at me. The second that I started to smile her eyes would
light up and a smile would come to her mouth. You could tell that in that single
moment she feels special, that you are smiling at her, and looking at her.
It is in moments of connection like that during worship to
the true Saving God that you feel His love in a very real way. It is amazing what
we can say with our eyes when we are not able to say something in words. It is
a true blessing that I pray everyone would get to receive.