
Organized Chaos

Time works differently here than it does back home.
Sometimes it can feel like we have done something yesterday and really it
happened two days ago. Or it can feel like something happened two days ago and
it was really this morning.


India seems to run on this form of functioning chaos. It
never ceases to amaze me how the laws for driving work here. You have people
coming from all directions and yet you rarely see accidents. Water buffalo
wander the roads and sometimes lay down in the middle of the busiest
intersections but yet everyone easily steers around them.


There is no set time for anything to occur, it just sort of
happens when it happens. You can set one time and it could mean two hours
before that time or four hours after, so there is really no telling.


I was thinking about this chaos and how it is actually
organized. Yes, organized chaos. I would have never thought to use those two
words together, but then it reminded me of life and how our lives are organized
chaos. When we really think about it as beings we are organized chaos. All the
cells inside our bodies that are in constant motion and colliding together,
working with one another, and on occasion against one another. They are
organized chaos.


When I think about God looking down on us, I wonder what he
thinks about our lives and the organized chaos we live in and the organized
chaos that we are and I believe that He thinks we are a beautiful mess. I think
we can all agree that we are each a mess, there are so many things about
ourselves that are just ugly, gross, dirty and a mess! But because God loves us
He has made us beautiful! We are a beautiful mess! I praise God for this!


Ecclesiastes 3:11-13

He has made everything beautiful in
its time. Also, He has put eternity into man’s heart, yet so that he cannot
find out what God has done from the beginning to the end. I perceived that
there is nothing better for them than to be joyful and to do good as long as
they live; also that everyone should eat and drink and take pleasure in all His
toil-this is God’s gift to man.


We are not supposed to understand
the mess that we are, because God understands and we should rejoice in that!  


(I was home sick today . . . so that is why I posted two
blogs . . . .coconut water is so tasty and has healing properties . . . .so I’m
told) : )