
No other name worthy to be praised

Hello friends! Just a little more about what is happening here in crazy India. India is such an amazinfg place and i am enjoying more each day! Sunday we went to a local church that is part of the Indian Christian Ministries. It was such a cool experience for me.
 When we walked into the church the pastor made us sit on the stage at the front of the church as a way of honoring us. The service hadn’t even started and there were people kneeling and praying to the Lord. This was just the beginning of their spirit filled and devoted worship we would witness. The service was completely in Telugu (the local language). The service lasted 3 and a half hours. The thing that was so awesome was that the people were so intrigued in what the pastor was preaching (whatever it was about :)) and they were so genuine in their worship.  At the end of the service the Indian women started bringing their children up to the front for us to pray over them. It was so neat to pray blessings over those beautiful Indian children. Then different members of the church came up and asked us to pray healing over different things for them. It was so humbling and exciting to have the opportunity to bless the wonderful people of this church.
There are some things I took away from Sunday’s church service that were really impactful. They met in an open-air building with no air conditioning and no seats. There was a keyboard with pre recorded music playing and no projector screens or hymnals that showed the words . In America it is a lot about appearances. I’m not saying that all churches in America are like this. I happen to go to an amazing church that i expericece the Spirit of the Lord in everytime those doors are opened. Just from past experiences in different churches I see a common theme. We complain if the seats aren’t comfortable enough or not just rightly aligned with the pulpit, or we say it’s too hot or too cold, too loud or not loud enough, I like the upbeat songs or I like the slow songs. It was interesting to me to see a church worship with such thanksgiving even though they are faced with poverty and suffering all around them. It isn’t about in what facility or capacity you get to worship, it is all about the One who we worship! 
I am so thankful that the Lord has allowed me to come to India and worship with such amazing people, such a wonderful God!

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