“Carley, I have full confidence that God will use you to bring hope and healing to these children AS you stay close to Him and let Him minister through you. Remember, there is nothing in you (alone) that these children want or need except the Person and Power of Jesus being made a live in you. Does this make sense? Speaking for myself, I have nothing to offer anyone else—no good thing—except that which God does in me and through me. As God changes me and makes me more like Jesus, then He can use me more fully to change those around me. This is also true of you.”
I have an amazing church and amazing friends who wrote me letters to read over my trip this summer. They have all been extremely encouraging, but this one especially today. Going to the orphanage can be overwhelming—having ten kids all coming to you wanting attention, but knowing that you can’t really give each of them what they need, I don’t know, just kind of makes you feel down. The Lord reminded me this morning that it’s not me, it’s never me, it’s always Him. He will strengthen me, He will heal me (which He did by the way, I’m totally recover from the past couple of days), He will love these kids because I can’t give them what they need, only He can.
After getting home tonight from the orphanage I read this letter and it was just such a great reminder of it not being my strength but His. So thank you oh so very much to my letter writer for reminding me that I also have nothing to offer anyone else—no good thing—except that which God does in me and through me.